Esp8266 arduinoide

This is a package to enable original Arduino IDE support ESP8266 MCU as target processor

View the Project on GitHub Sermus/ESP8266_ArduinoIDE


This is a package to enable original Arduino IDE support ESP8266 MCU as target processor. The supported Arduino IDE version is 1.6.1+. It can be taken from here: Currently only Windows version of the IDE is supported.


The work is based on Anakod's Sming framework:


Find where your Arduino IDE stores its sketchbook

Download the repo as archive and unpack it to hardware subfolder of Arduino's sketchbook location. Alternatively clone repository into the hardware subfolder.

After that start Arduino IDE. You should see ESP8266 in boards menu available for selection:

If you don't see the board then you probably unpacked package into wrong location.


Creating such a bundle is my hobby, I do it on my own. This is a thing of interest. However doing in an appropriate way in order to share the results with community is another thing. I do this in my spare time, the time I could spend with my family. So if you think this project is useful/interesting and would like me to continue investing my time into it please consider donating so that I at least could get needed hardware. Thank you.